Turkish Neurosurgery
Can Hypo/Hypernatremic Conditions be a Factor for Na Ion Channel Kinetics: Model Study
Murat Ayaz1, Hakan Karabagli2, Sirma Basak Yanardag3
1Selçuk Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Biyofizik, Konya ,
2Selçuk Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi, Konya ,
3Selçuk Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Biyofizik, Konya ,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.20238-17.2

Aim:Dysnatremic cases are frequently faced in clinical practice and the macroscopic effects of it and its consequences are well known, but microscopic effects of it are not well defined, this research tries to reveal the effects of dysnatremia at the cellular level. Material and Methods:By using an action potential simulation, the effects of the extracellular sodium concentration on the sodium ion channel kinetics are studied. The experimental sets are chosen to mimic hypo/hypernatremic conditions and in both cases degree of the severity is varied.Results:We have shown that hyponatremic situations through modifying the axonal Na+ channels kinetics results in the rundown of the INa. The degree of the hyponatremia dependent effect seen in the sodium ion channel is severity dependent, which is more effective in the recovery phase of the ion channel. Hypernatremic conditions on the other hand have also affected the sodium ion channel activity through modifying the kinetics of the channel. Unlike hyponatremia, the effect seen in hypernatremic condition was through decreasing the response time of the channel. But the degree of the significance of the effect seen on the sodium ion channel in the case of the hypernatremia was found to be less destructive compared to hyponatremic situation. Conclusion:The sodium channels are susceptible to the changes of the extracellular sodium concentrations, thus the underestimation of hypo/hypernatremic conditions can put patients in danger, thus especially in the relevant cases tight monitoring of serum sodium level might be required.

Corresponding author : Murat Ayaz