Turkish Neurosurgery
“Reverse J Shaped” Skin Flap and Cranial Bone Groove for Shunt Hardware: A New Technique in Patients with Fragile Skin
Murteza Cakir1
1University of Ataturk School of Medicine, Neurosurgery Department, Erzurum,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.20444-17.1

Introduction: Shunt systems are not perfect devices and can cause severe complications. Complications may originate from problems related to the valve, the patient, or the surgery and more common in neonates, infants, especially preterm by reason of the special characteristics these patients owned. We therefore have succesfully developed useful and viable surgical technique in order to provide helpful aspects to surgical issues mentioned above. Technique: This technique includes \"reverse J\" shaped skin incision with nonintersecting the shun’s hardware and distal catheter and to be reduced the wound problems to the minimum rates by opening \"bone groove\". Conclusion: We believe that the above technique described by us will both reduce issues such as scalp ulceration, wound dehiscence, and shunt exposure in premature and pediatric hydrocephaly cases with a friable scalp, and eliminate a cosmetic problem in hydrocephalic patients of all ages.

Corresponding author : Murteza Cakir