Turkish Neurosurgery
The Preventative Effect of α-tocopherol on Spinal Epidural Fibrosis After Laminectomy in a Rat Model.
Cengiz Tuncer1, Canan Subaşı1, Cem Dinç1, Erhan Türkoğlu2, Uygur Er1
1Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Nöroşirürji AD, Ankara,
2Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital, Neurosurgery Clinics, Ankara,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.22357-17.5

Aim:Postlaminectomy epidural fibrosis is a major source of decreased quality of life after spinal surgery. Prevention of epidural fibrosis seems a logical way for avoiding of some uneventful effects and reoperation. Many chemicals used for prevention of epidural fibrosis up to this day. The aim of this study is to assess efficacy of α-tocopherol as a topical antifibrotic agent on epidural fibrosis for lumbar laminectomy procedures.Material and Methods:Thirty-two adults rats assigned into 4 groups, with 8 rats in each group were used in this study. Standard laminectomy was performed for every rat. The rats in group I no treatment after laminectomy was administered. The rats in Group II gelatin sponge was soaked α-tocopherol. The rats in Group III saline soaked absorbable gelatin sponge used and left on dura mater after laminectomy. And the rats in Group IV, only α-tocopherol were used on the dura mater after laminectomy. The an-bloc vertebral columns of the rats were removed after sacrificing between T10 and L5 in 30th postoperative day. Specimens were evaluated for degree of fibrosis and arachnoidal invasions. Results:Statistical differences between the mean of fibrosis grades of groups were significant by a p value of 0.011. Between the mean of arachnoidal invasion of groups were not statistically significant (p>0.05).Conclusion:This study proven that topical application of α-tocopherol could effectively reduce the development of epidural fibrosis in an experimental laminectomy model.

Corresponding author : Uygur Er