Turkish Neurosurgery
Endoscopic Training Model for Intranasal Transsphenoidal Hypophysis Surgery Using a Skull Model and Chicken Wings
ALTUN Adnan1, ÇOKLUK Cengiz 2
1Karatay University, Neurosurgery, Konya,
2Ondokuzmayis University, Neurosurgery, Samsun,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.25841-19.4

Aim:Endoscopic hypophysis surgery is commonly used in clinical neurosurgical practice. The primary aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the feasibility of an experimentally designed model for training endoscopic intranasal transsphenoidal hypophysis surgery. Material and Methods:In this experimental study, a surgical training model for endoscopic transsphenoidal hypophysis surgery was designated in an attempt to simulate real life surgical challenges such as drilling through sella turcica under In this experimental study, a surgical training model for endoscopic transsphenoidal hypophysis surgery was designed to simulate real life surgical challenges, such as drilling through the sella turcica under endoscopic vision. This laboratory experiment was repeated at 1-week intervals and it was observed that surgeons improved their skills. The compatibility of the training model was evaluated as either poor, acceptable or perfect.Results:The results revealed that according to earlier data, greater success occurred in tests conducted after 1 week. Three new specialist neurosurgeons also expressed that their self-confidence increased during the second procedure.Conclusion:This laboratory study will result in improved use of microsurgical instruments and understanding of the three-dimensional surgical field, as well as the development of manual dexterity. We believe that this model will contribute to the practical training of endoscopic hypophysis surgery.

Corresponding author : ALTUN Adnan