Turkish Neurosurgery
An Anatomical Variation to Consider for a Safe Carpal Tunnel Surgery: Transverse Carpal Muscle
Saygı Uygur1, Tolga Akbıyık2, Ayşe Esin Polat3, Celal Bağdatoğlu4
1Mersin University, Neurosurgery, Yenişehir/Mersin,
2Adana City Training and Research Hospital, Neurosurgery, Yüreğir/Adana,
3Dr. Akçiçek State Hospital, Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery, Kyrenia,
4Mersin University (Retired), Neurosurgery, Yenişehir/Mersin,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.46709-24.2

Aim:In this study we aim to investigate the incidence of transverse carpal muscle (TCM) occurrence around carpal tunnel which may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and cause disorientation of surgeons during surgery.Material and Methods:We reviewed patients in our department between January 2007 and March 2021 to identify those who underwent surgical treatment for CTS. A total of 62 carpal tunnel release surgeries were investigated, and the frequency of TCM occurrence was evaluated.Results:There were 3 (4.8%) accessory TCM overlying transverse carpal ligament (TCL). All variations occurred in the left hand of the patients. Of the three cases, two were female and one was male.Conclusion:There is currently insufficient evidence in the literature to suggest that TCM is causing CTS. To further investigate the origin of these muscles, cadaveric dissections should be performed. Even if this variation isn’t causing CTS, especially during minimal invasive surgeries, this variation should be kept in mind to not lose orientation.

Corresponding author : Celal Bağdatoğlu