Turkish Neurosurgery
Reviewers side
Bipin Chaurasia1
1Neurosurgery Clinic, Neurosurgery, Birgunj,
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.46896-24.3

The world is unique. It revolves only around affluent peoples. They have made rules only for their own benefits. It also applies for journals. The scientific article publication in journal revolves only around journals, with authors and reviewers doing everything from back stage making them profit and supporting their business. Authors who have done hard work for their research work have to pay for publication either in the form of article processing charge (APC) or later to buy own pdf article after publication. Reviewers are also being cheated by getting nothing for their review process who also imposes substantial amount of time behind improving the authors manuscript. In return they don’t even get free pdf and have to buy it later after publication.

Corresponding author : Bipin Chaurasia